AIMI @ BVM in Heidelberg! And Congratulations Maja!

At this year’s workshop “Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin” in Heidelberg, we were able to present our work on different topics across medical imaging:
Maja Schlereth, PhD student at the AIMI lab, received the second price for the best scientific paper for her work “Initial Investigations Towards Non-invasive Monitoring of Chronic Wound Healing Using Deep Learning and Ultrasound Imaging” [Arxiv, Proceedings] at BVM! In her work, she explored the use of machine learning and ultrasound for assessing chronic wounds with the goal to support better treatment decisions! Congratulations also to the other award winners, especially from the Pattern Recognition Lab, and to the winner of this years BVM award Dr. Hristina Uzunova from Lübeck.
In addition to her award, Maja presented her work on photoacoustik imaging titled “Automatic Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases in Children Using Photoacoustic Imaging” [Arxiv, Proceedings] and several AIMI & AIMI-affiliated PhD and Master students also presented their papers:
Nikolaus Arbogast et al.: “Towards Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Orthopaedic X-ray Images Using Constrained-CNN Losses” [Proceedings]
Sonja Kunzmann et al.: “First Steps on Gamification of Lung Fluid Cells Annotations in the Flower Domain” [Arxiv, Proceedings]
Antonia Popp et al.: “Thrombus Detection in Non-contrast Head CT Using Graph Deep Learning” [Proceedings]
Mathias Öttl et al.: “Superpixel Pre-segmentation of HER2 Slides for Efficient Annotation” [Arxiv, Proceedings]
If you want to learn more about our work, check out the related papers or contact us directly.
It was great to discuss these approaches and connect with researchers from institutes all across Germany. Thanks a lot to the organizers and we are looking forward to BVM 2023 in Braunschweig/Hannover!